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Quantitative assessment of a- and b-waves.

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posted on 2015-07-30, 03:37 authored by Jake Bedore, Amanda C. Martyn, Anson K. C. Li, Eric A. Dolinar, Ian S. McDonald, Stuart G. Coupland, Vania F. Prado, Marco A. Prado, Kathleen A. Hill

Amplitudes of the a-wave (A-B) and b-wave (C-D) are reduced in VAChTSix3-Cre-flox/flox retinas (open circles) relative to littermate controls (VAChTflox/flox, closed squares) at 5 (n = 7 VAChTSix3-Cre-flox/flox and n = 14 littermate control) and 12 months of age (n = 5 VAChTSix3-Cre-flox/flox and n = 5 littermate control). The magnitude of a- and b-wave reduction showed a strong correlation at both 5 (E) and 12 months of age (F). Implicit times of the a-wave (G-H) and b-wave (I-J) are unaffected by the absence of VAChT at either age examined. Values are the mean ± SEM. For all ERG analyses, large symbols that are located to the far right of each graph and connected to the datasets by brackets indicate significance level of comparisons across luminances by repeated measures two-way ANOVA; smaller symbols above data for individual luminances indicate significance level by Sidak’s multiple comparisons test. δ, P < 0.05; γ, P < 0.01, β, P < 0.001, α, P < 0.0001 versus control mice.
