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Plate-transfer of 3H-D3 in TLC matrices.

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posted on 2015-06-05, 04:52 authored by Nan Jiang, Leonie H. E. Leithold, Julia Post, Tamar Ziehm, Jörg Mauler, Lothar Gremer, Markus Cremer, Elena Schartmann, N. Jon Shah, Janine Kutzsche, Karl-Josef Langen, Jörg Breitkreutz, Dieter Willbold, Antje Willuweit

A control experiment was performed by placing a new TLC plate to a freshly developed plate to transfer only the 3H-D3 within matrices. On the mirror image of the transferred plate, the 3H signals at the start points as well as the smears were obviously reduced, while the intensity of separated 3H-D3 did only change slightly. This result suggests that the observed artefacts arise from unspecific 3H-D3 binding to the glass surface.
