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Phylogenetic analysis of B. pseudomallei, B. mallei, and B. thailandensis strains by bucl-locus typing.

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posted on 2015-09-10, 03:45 authored by Beth A. Bachert, Soo J. Choi, Anna K. Snyder, Rita V. M. Rio, Brandon C. Durney, Lisa A. Holland, Kei Amemiya, Susan L. Welkos, Joel A. Bozue, Christopher K. Cote, Rita Berisio, Slawomir Lukomski

Bayesian analysis was performed on concatenated nucleotide sequences of the non-collagenous regions of bucl3, bucl4, and bucl8 present in a set of 13 B. pseudomallei, 11 B. mallei, and 9 B. thailandensis strains (as shown in Table 3). Support values for each branch are shown as posterior probability from Bayesian analysis and bootstrap values from maximum parsimony analysis, respectively (PP/MP). Posterior probability value which was not supported by maximum parsimony analysis is shown in red. Phylogenetic Clusters 1–4 (C1-C4) correlated with geographic location of B. pseudomallei strains, whereas Clusters 5–7 (C5-C7) contained B. thailandensis strains that made up a separate branch from B. pseudomallei and B. mallei strains. Scale bar is representative of evolutionary distance in substitutions per nucleotide.
