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Optical micrographs of Tetrakeronopsis silvanetoi after protargol-impregnation.

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posted on 2014-02-24, 03:39 authored by Thiago da Silva Paiva, Amanda Ferreira Cavalcante de Albuquerque, Bárbara do Nascimento Borges, Maria Lúcia Harada

A. Holotype specimen viewed from dorsal side, showing the disposition of nuclear figure; B. Detail of nuclear apparatus shown from ventral side; C. Specimen showing macronuclear DNA replication bands (arrowheads); D. Proter of a late divider. Arrowheads show fronto-ventral set of juvenile cirri; E. Dorsal side of late divider opisthe showing juvenile dorsal kineties (arrowheads); F. Late divider showing morphogenesis of nuclear apparatus. Black arrowhead points to dividing micronucleus; white arrowheads show dividing macronuclei; G. Ventral side of reorganizer. Arrowheads indicate newly formed transverse cirri. Legend: AZMp – adoral zone (of membranelles) of proter; AZMr – adoral zone (of membranelles) of reorganizer; FTCp – frontoterminal cirri of proter; FTCr – frontoterminal cirri of reorganizer; LMRp – left marginal cirral row of proter; LMRr – left marginal row of reorganizer; Ma – macronuclear nodules; Mi – micronucleus; PTCr – pretransverse cirri of reorganizer; RMRp – right marginal cirral row of proter; RMRr – right marginal cirral row of reorganizer. Scale bars: A. 100 µm; B–D., G. 20 µm.
