Table_1.xls (9.5 kB)

Morex contigs identified from the selected barley loci on chromosomes 7HS, 7HL and 6HL in Genome Zipper, and number of Betzes reads employed for the alignment to contigs and the detection of in silico SNPs.

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posted on 2013-06-24, 04:00 authored by Cristina Silvar, Dragan Perovic, Thomas Nussbaumer, Manuel Spannagl, Björn Usadel, Ana Casas, Ernesto Igartua, Frank Ordon

Morex contigs identified from the selected barley loci on chromosomes 7HS, 7HL and 6HL in Genome Zipper, and number of Betzes reads employed for the alignment to contigs and the detection of in silico SNPs.
