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Microarray and qPCR validation of microRNA dysregulation in MCF-7 cells overexpressing ANXA1.

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posted on 2014-12-23, 02:49 authored by Durkeshwari Anbalagan, Gracemary Yap, Yi Yuan, Vijay K. Pandey, Wai Hoe Lau, Suruchi Arora, Pradeep Bist, Justin S. B. Wong, Gautam Sethi, Peter M. Nissom, Peter E. Lobie, Lina H. K. Lim

(A) Heat map showing pattern of dysregulation observed in miRs during miR microarray analysis when ANXA1 was over-expressed in MCF7 cells. Green bars represent down-regulation of miR expression and red bars represent up-regulation of miR expression. The intensity corresponds to the degree of dysregulation of expression compared to MCF7-EV cells. (B) Correlations between 3 microarray runs and 3 qPCR validations of 12 miRs chosen. p values shown are vs MCF7-EV control cells. (C) Chromosome location of miR26b* and miR562. (E) miR26b* and (F) miR562 expression in breast cancer cell lines. * p<0.05 ** p<0.01 vs MCF10A cells
