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Map showing the location of the Sangailu study area in Northeastern Province in Kenya.

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posted on 2015-03-12, 03:27 authored by A. Desirée LaBeaud, Sarah Pfeil, Samuel Muiruri, Saidi Dahir, Laura J. Sutherland, Zachary Traylor, Ginny Gildengorin, Eric M. Muchiri, John Morrill, C. J. Peters, Amy G. Hise, James W Kazura, Charles H. King

The country map, left, indicates the boundaries of Ijara District, the health administration unit at the time of the study (the Sangailu location is now part of Garissa County, Ijara constituency). The inset, right, shows the locations of the six community clusters that were included in the study. These were distributed in a 40 km transect along a main road of the Sangailu area.
