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Kinetic constants for different VHH determined by Biacore binding assays.

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posted on 2015-08-12, 03:39 authored by Lorena Garaicoechea, Andrea Aguilar, Gabriel I. Parra, Marina Bok, Stanislav V. Sosnovtsev, Gabriela Canziani, Kim Y. Green, Karin Bok, Viviana Parreño

Association rate constants (ka), dissociation rate constants (kd), equilibrium association constants (and equilibrium dissociation constants (KD = kd/ka). Independent experiments: n = 1, 2, 3. 95% CI expresses SD between independent experiments, otherwise, the SE of the fit was computed to estimate the apparent affinities for the interactions.

Kinetic constants for different VHH determined by Biacore binding assays.
