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Isolation of human B-cell subsets from bone marrow and tonsils.

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posted on 2015-09-22, 04:04 authored by Andreas Petri, Karen Dybkær, Martin Bøgsted, Charlotte Albæk Thrue, Peter H. Hagedorn, Alexander Schmitz, Julie Støve Bødker, Hans Erik Johnsen, Sakari Kauppinen

A) Overlay of flow cytometry and array data on surface markers used for sorting of the bone marrow B-cell subsets. The contour diagrams show summary of events from the collected B-cell subsets in all samples and dots depict gene expression values (log2 intensities) in the individual cell samples. B) As in (A), but for tonsillar B-cell subsets and sorting markers. C) Expression profiles of selected genes, dots correspond to group means.
