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Immunocytochemical detection of MAP2, GFAP and SOX14 in NT2/D1, NT2 4W and NT2-N cells.

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posted on 2014-03-17, 03:39 authored by Jelena Popovic, Danijela Stanisavljevic, Marija Schwirtlich, Andrijana Klajn, Jelena Marjanovic, Milena Stevanovic

Panel I: Immunocytochemical detection of MAP2 and GFAP-positive cells in NT2-N. Panel II: Immunocytochemical detection of MAP2 and SOX14-positive cells in NT2/D1, NT2 4W and NT2-N. The majority of cells in the NT2-N cell population are MAP2-positive neurons (B, D and E) with very few GFAP-positive astroglial cells (C, D and E). Cells with large nuclei that are immunonegative for both markers are designated by arrowheads in E. Specific SOX14 immunoreactivity/punctated nuclear signal was detected with different intensity in all undifferentiated NT2/D1 cells (F and G), in all MAP2-positive neurons in NT2 4W (H and I) and NT2-N (J and K), in non-neuronal cells in NT2 4W (arrowheads H and I), and NT2-N (arrowheads J and K). Boxed regions in H, I, J and K are enlarged in the same figures. Cell nuclei were counterstained with DAPI (A, D, E, F, H and J). Scale bars: 50 μm.
