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Identification of soluble peanut allergens in peanut product extracts.

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posted on 2014-05-07, 03:02 authored by Stine Kroghsbo, Neil M. Rigby, Philip E. Johnson, Karine Adel-Patient, Katrine L. Bøgh, Louise J. Salt, E. N. Clare Mills, Charlotte B. Madsen

Extracts of blanched peanuts (lane 1), roasted peanuts (lane 2) and peanut butter (lane 3) were analyzed by SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions. Mark12 MW Standard (Invitrogen) was used as molecular mass standard and the gel was stained using a Coomassie-based stain (SimplyBlue SafeStain; Invitrogen). Calculated protein loading per lane is 0.65 µg based on determination of protein concentration by BCA assay. Protein Identification: C (Conarachin, 7S globulin), Aa (Arachin acidic subunits, 11S globulin), Ab (Arachin basic subunits, 11S globulin), 2S (2S albumins).
