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Identification and characterization of bucl genes in B. pseudomallei reference strain K96243.

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posted on 2015-09-10, 03:45 authored by Beth A. Bachert, Soo J. Choi, Anna K. Snyder, Rita V. M. Rio, Brandon C. Durney, Lisa A. Holland, Kei Amemiya, Susan L. Welkos, Joel A. Bozue, Christopher K. Cote, Rita Berisio, Slawomir Lukomski

(A) Schematic representation of bucl distribution. Relative position and orientation of each bucl gene is shown; six bucl genes are present on chromosome one and seven on chromosome two. (B) Summary table of bucl distribution. bucl location, orientation, and length are mapped to the genome of Bp K96243. Molecular weight of each Bucl protein encoded by each bucl allele is shown. (C) PCR amplification of 13 bucl genes from Bp K96243. Primers were designed targeting the non-collagenous conserved regions, and PCR conditions were established for all bucl amplicons at a uniform annealing temperature of 64°C. Amplicon sizes; bucl1, 123 bp; bucl2 133 bp; bucl3, 166 bp; bucl4, 176 bp; bucl5, 216 bp; bucl6, 115 bp; bucl7, 264 bp; bucl8, 96 bp; bucl10, 109 bp; bucl13, 212 bp; bucl14, 178 bp; bucl15, 95 bp; and bucl16, 123 bp; M, 50-bp DNA size marker.
