Fig 7.tif (3.61 MB)

Histopathological evaluations of the injured (right) and control (left) sides of the rabbit brain at 48 weeks post-irradiation, including H&E (A, C, E) and LFB (B, D) staining.

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posted on 2015-07-13, 12:25 authored by Chao-Yu Shen, Yeu-Sheng Tyan, Li-Wei Kuo, Changwei W. Wu, Jun-Cheng Weng

(A, B) No significant radiation-related alterations were observed in the left hemisphere of the brain. (C) Demyelination in the right hippocampus. Decreased coloration, indicating a loss of the myelin sheath in the right external capsule. (D) Disorganization of the myelin fibers in the right external capsule and right hippocampus. (E) Prominent hyalinization and fibrinoid deposition of the vessel walls (arrow) within the right hippocampus. (EC = external capsule; HIP = hippocampus).
