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Fungicidal capacity of PMN.

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posted on 2015-02-12, 03:20 authored by Eva Burger, Ana Carolina S. C. Mendes, Giulia M. A. C. Bani, Maísa R. P. L. Brigagão, Gérsika B. Santos, Luiz Cosme C. Malaquias, Jorge Kleber Chavasco, Liana M. Verinaud, Zoilo P. de Camargo, Michael R. Hamblin, Felipe F. Sperandio

A—Colony forming units (CFU) of Pb at 7 and 12 days evaluation for non-irradiated and irradiated PMN. p = 0.0002 (*) between non-irradiated and irradiated PMN after 12 days of fungal growth; p = 0.0118 (*) between the irradiated groups at 7 and 12 days of fungal growth and p = 0.0003 (*) between the non-irradiated groups at 7 and 12 days of fungal growth. The colony forming units of Pb after co-cultivation with PMN recruited by Pb infection or Zy inoculation are shown after: B—7 days: p = 0.0369 (*) between the irradiated and non-irradiated PMN of the Pb group; p = 0.0232 (*) between the irradiated and non-irradiated PMN of the Zy group; or C—12 days: p = 0.0193 (*) between the irradiated and non-irradiated PMN of the Pb group; p = 0.0492 (*) between the irradiated and non-irradiated PMN of the Zy group.
