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Expression of resistance-related genes in sugarcane after S. scitamineum infection.

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posted on 2014-08-29, 02:59 authored by Youxiong Que, Yachun Su, Jinlong Guo, Qibin Wu, Liping Xu

Notes: T2 vs. T1, T3 vs. T1 and T4 vs. T1 refer to a combination of “ROC”22 under S. scitamineum stress for 24, 48, or 120 h and “ROC”22 under sterile water stress after 24 h, respectively. T6 vs. T5, T7 vs. T5 and T8 vs. T5 refer to the combination of Yacheng05-179 under S. scitamineum stress for 24 h, 48 h or 120 h and Yacheng05-179 under sterile water stress after 24 h, respectively.

Expression of resistance-related genes in sugarcane after S. scitamineum infection.
