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Efficacy of intramuscular DB829 against second stage T. b. rhodesiense infection in vervet monkeys.

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posted on 2015-02-05, 02:43 authored by John K. Thuita, Kristina K. Wolf, Grace A. Murilla, Arlene S. Bridges, David W. Boykin, James N. Mutuku, Qiang Liu, Susan K. Jones, Charles O. Gem, Shelley Ching, Richard R. Tidwell, Michael Z. Wang, Mary F. Paine, Reto Brun

Key: DPI, days post-infection; P, parasitaemia; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; EoT, end of treatment; LDD, last drug dose; F, female; M, male; Neg, Negative; WD (91), withdrawn 91 days post-LDD; a, median (range); b, mean ± standard error of mean.

Efficacy of intramuscular DB829 against second stage T. b. rhodesiense infection in vervet monkeys.
