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EGR1 binds to UBF in HeLa cells.

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posted on 2014-05-01, 04:21 authored by Donatella Ponti, Gian Carlo Bellenchi, Rosa Puca, Daniela Bastianelli, Marella Maroder, Giuseppe Ragona, Pascal Roussel, Marc Thiry, Dan Mercola, Antonella Calogero

(A) Confocal analysis of Hela cells transfected with the C-terminal EGR1 (ΔN 1–314) shows the colocalization of EGR1 fragment with UBF. (B) Extracts (150 µg) of HeLa cells transfected with full length EGR1-GFP are immunoprecipitated with an antibody to UBF. (C) Chromatin precipitation assay. DNA fragments of ribosomal RNA promoter are immunoprecipitated with an antibody to EGR1 from extracts of HeLa cells transfected with full length EGR1. A six fold enrichment in ribosomal RNA promoter fragments was obtained from extracts of transfected cells compared to mock extracts. Representative results of at least three separate experiments are shown. Comparison tests were performed as above described (** p≤0.01).
