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Distribution of all bucl genes in Burkholderia spp. as assessed by bioinformatics and PCR amplificationa.

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posted on 2015-09-10, 03:45 authored by Beth A. Bachert, Soo J. Choi, Anna K. Snyder, Rita V. M. Rio, Brandon C. Durney, Lisa A. Holland, Kei Amemiya, Susan L. Welkos, Joel A. Bozue, Christopher K. Cote, Rita Berisio, Slawomir Lukomski

a Presence or absence of bucl amplicons are indicated by + or –, respectively. NT, not tested (not sufficient amount of gDNA available). Association of bucl presence with pathogenic Bp and Bm species, compared to nonpathogenic Bt strains, was assessed using the Fisher Exact Probability Test and Cramer’s V2 analysis.

b Strains for which bucl presence was determined by bioinformatics.

c Smaller-sized amplicons observed for bucl2 amplicon (S4A Fig).

Distribution of all bucl genes in Burkholderia spp. as assessed by bioinformatics and PCR amplificationa.
