Fig_4.tif (332.59 kB)

Comparison of the ratio of the early diastolic filling velocity to the late diastolic filling velocity (E/A ratio) in 139 lowlanders at the altitudes of 500 m, 3700 m and 4400 m.

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posted on 2015-01-28, 03:56 authored by Mingyue Rao, Jiabei Li, Jun Qin, Jihang Zhang, Xubin Gao, Shiyong Yu, Jie Yu, Guozhu Chen, Baida Xu, Huijie Li, Rongsheng Rao, Lan Huang, Jun Jin

At the elevated altitudes, the E/A ratio decreased, though it increased on day 7 at 4400 m compared with the ratio observed at 3700 m. (Note: **P<0.01, compared with 500 m; ##P<0.01, compared with 3700 m.)
