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Clinicopathological features of 19 DLBCL with a serum monoclonal IgM protein.

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posted on 2014-04-04, 04:06 authored by M. Christina Cox, Arianna Di Napoli, Stefania Scarpino, Gerardo Salerno, Caterina Tatarelli, Caterina Talerico, Mariangela Lombardi, Bruno Monarca, Sergio Amadori, Luigi Ruco

CNS1: Central nervous system involvement at diagnosis or during relapse progression.

COO2: Cell of Origin defined by the Hans algorithm.

IgM-I3: heavy chain IgM expression assessed by immunohistochemistry.

MYC-I4: MYC protein expression by immunohistochemistry.

BCL2-I5: BCL2 protein expression by immunohistochemistry.

MYC-f6: MYC gene translocation by FISH analysis.

BCL2-f7: BCL2 gene translocation by FISH analysis, carried out by both IGH/BCL2 and BCL2 break apart probes.

BCL6-f8: BCL6 gene translocation by FISH analysis.

MYD889: MYD88 gene analyzed for L265P mutation.

FUP10: Follow-up.

NE11: Not evaluable.

NT12: Not translocated.

T13: Translocated.

CCR114:1st Continuous complete remission.

CCR215: 2nd Continuous complete remission.

WT16: wild type.
