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Beta-diversity (unweighted).

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posted on 2015-08-14, 04:19 authored by Alexander Mahnert, Parag Vaishampayan, Alexander J. Probst, Anna Auerbach, Christine Moissl-Eichinger, Kasthuri Venkateswaran, Gabriele Berg

(A) NMDS plot based on unweighted (left) unifrac distance matrix of rarefied OTUs to 10,011 sequences. Samples treated with PMA prior to DNA extraction are indicated by a plus symbol. CCR: controlled cleanroom. UAF: uncontrolled adjoining facility. Variances are explained per each axis (NMDS1 and NMDS2, Stress = 0.06). (B) Distance based comparison heatmap combined with a hierarchical cluster analysis based on average neighbor (HCAN) of unweighted unifrac distances. Dissimilarity of samples is indicated by a color gradient from blue (similar) via white to red (dissimilar). Samples treated with PMA prior to DNA extraction are indicated by a plus symbol. CCR: controlled cleanroom. UAF: uncontrolled adjoining facility.
