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Bacterial translocation in NOD2 deficient following ileitis induction.

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posted on 2014-08-20, 04:13 authored by Markus M. Heimesaat, Ildiko R. Dunay, Marie Alutis, André Fischer, Luisa Möhle, Ulf B. Göbel, Anja A. Kühl, Stefan Bereswill

Relative translocation frequencies (%) of live bacteria were determined in ex vivo biopsies of mesenteric lymphnodes (MLN), liver, spleen, kidneys, and blood derived from C57BL/6 wildtype (WT; black bars; n = 10) and NOD2-/- (NOD2; white bars; n = 10) mice by culture in enrichment broths seven days after ileitis induction. Medians, standard deviations and significance levels (p-values) determined by Mann-Whitney-U test are indicated. Data shown are pooled from three independent experiments.
