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Assessment of genomic plasticity of B. pseudomallei and B. mallei using biomarkers.

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posted on 2015-09-10, 03:45 authored by Beth A. Bachert, Soo J. Choi, Anna K. Snyder, Rita V. M. Rio, Brandon C. Durney, Lisa A. Holland, Kei Amemiya, Susan L. Welkos, Joel A. Bozue, Christopher K. Cote, Rita Berisio, Slawomir Lukomski

a Organizational patterns (OP) of bucl genes were assigned to each chromosome, Ch1 and Ch2, according to position and orientation. OPs were labeled I-VI for chromosome 1, and I-III for chromosome 2. bucl position on the plus or minus strand is shown corresponding to each OP.

Assessment of genomic plasticity of B. pseudomallei and B. mallei using biomarkers.
