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Altitude ascent profile of participants from plain to plateau.

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posted on 2015-01-28, 03:56 authored by Mingyue Rao, Jiabei Li, Jun Qin, Jihang Zhang, Xubin Gao, Shiyong Yu, Jie Yu, Guozhu Chen, Baida Xu, Huijie Li, Rongsheng Rao, Lan Huang, Jun Jin

All subjects ascended to 3700 m (Lhasa in Tibet) in 2.5 hours by plane from 500 m (Chengdu in Sichuan province). After they acclimatized at 3700 m for a week, the subjects traveled by motorcar and arrived in Yangbajing (in Tibet, at 4400 m) within 3 hours; they in Yangbajing for 7 days. For all participants, the starting data collection point was in Chengdu (500 m), the second data collection point was in Lhasa (3700 m) within 24 h of arrival, and the third data collection was on the 7th day in Yangbajing (4400 m).
