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Aging and the negative geotaxis response (NGR) of adult Drosophila.

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posted on 2015-07-16, 03:26 authored by Eric P. Ratliff, Ruth E. Mauntz, Roxanne W. Kotzebue, Arysa Gonzalez, Madhulika Achal, Ayeh Barekat, Kaelyn A. Finley, Jonathan M. Sparhawk, James E. Robinson, Deron R. Herr, Greg L. Harris, William J. Joiner, Kim D. Finley

The NGR of outcrossed wild-type control male and female flies (w1118/+) was used to determining changes in average climbing index (CI, distance traveled within 5 seconds) between the ages of 1 and 4-weeks. *** P ≤ 0.001. See S1 Fig for the design of the NGR apparatus and additional details.
