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AdV-ZFP-VEGF does not improve open-field walking (BBB) scores following SCI.

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posted on 2014-05-20, 03:41 authored by Sarah A. Figley, Yang Liu, Spyridon K. Karadimas, Kajana Satkunendrarajah, Peter Fettes, S. Kaye Spratt, Gary Lee, Dale Ando, Richard Surosky, Martin Giedlin, Michael G. Fehlings

Open-field locomotion was assessed using the 21-point BBB scale. Animals were assessed weekly for 8 weeks following injury by blinded observers (n = 8/sham and AdV-ZFP-VEGF groups; n = 10/injured control and AdV-eGFP groups). The left and right limbs were scored individually, but the data presented is the average between left and right hindlimb recovery.
