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Implementation of the Pattern Backtracking Algorithm and Pseudo-Random Instance Generator for the workflow satisfiability problem with user-independent constraints

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posted on 2015-03-30, 21:15 authored by Daniel KarapetyanDaniel Karapetyan, Andrei Gagarin, Gregory Gutin

This file contains source codes of the Pattern Backtracking algorithm and a pseudo-random instance generator for the workflow satisfiability problem with user-independent constraints.  This implementation was used in "Daniel Karapetyan, Andrei Gagarin, Gregory Gutin. Pattern Backtracking Algorithm for the Workflow Satisfiability Problem with User-Independent Constraints. In proc. of the 9th International Frontiers of Algorithmics Workshop (FAW), 3-5 July 2015, Guilin, Guangxi, China, To appear in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2015."


The algorithm and the generator are implemented in C#.  The generator is deterministic; to produce distinct instances of the same size and properties, change the seed value.  Provided are a Visual Studio 2013 project (including an example of generating an instance and solving it) and compiled x64 .NET executables.


The implementation of the algorithm and the generator is provided for non-commercial use only.  When using this source code, please cite the above paper.
