Fig 3.TIF (948.73 kB)

Determination of cysteine peptidase activity.

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posted on 2016-08-30, 04:30 authored by Martin Meyer, Helena Fehling, Jenny Matthiesen, Stephan Lorenzen, Kathrin Schuldt, Hannah Bernin, Mareen Zaruba, Corinna Lender, Thomas Ernst, Harald Ittrich, Thomas Roeder, Egbert Tannich, Hannelore Lotter, Iris Bruchhaus

(A) CP activities of cell line HM-1:IMSS-A, clones A1–A12, cell line HM-1:IMSS-B and clones B1–B12 were measured at least four times in duplicate. (B) Substrate gel electrophoresis of clones A1–A12 and clones B1–B12. Cell lysates were separated on SDS-PAGE co-polymerised with gelatine. To visualise CP activity of proteins, gels were stained with Coomassie blue and the images were inverted. Standards are indicated on the left (kDa). Significance (p-values) was established using an unpaired t test. p-values were calculated relative to control (HM-1:IMSS-A or HM-1:IMSS-B, respectively). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.005, ***p < 0.001, ns: not significant. For detailed information see S1 Table.
