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Private data for peer review Rosa et al. - Microhabitat selection by a terrestrial salamander: insights from a mesocosm experiment -

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modified on 2024-01-03, 11:24

Data description for Rosa et al. - Microhabitat selection by a terrestrial salamander: insights from a mesocosm experiment - Submitted to Ethology Ecology and Evolution - 2024

NOTE: these data are private and only intended for peer review. The repository will be made publicly available after acceptance.

1) File "Experimental_data.csv" contains experimental observation of shelter site selection. Colum specification:

Mesocosm_ID: ID of the experimental mesocosm

Salamander_ID: ID of the experimental individual salamander

Timeframe: Days since the beginning of the experiment

Season: variable indicating the season on which the experiment was conducted: Aut = Autumn; Spr = Spring.

Fidelity: 0/1 column indicating if the experimental individual at T+1 has been found under the same shelter as in T-1(1) or in a differen shelter that in T-1(0)

Previous_Microclimatic_Condition: 0/1 column defining previous shelter microclimatic conditions and assuming value 1 if the shelter in which salamander was found at T-1 was the moister of those available, or assuming value 0 in the opposite case

2) File "Microclimatic_data.csv" contains mean values of Temperature and Relative Humidity, calculated on the 2 hours prior to each sampling, for all shelters used in the experiment. Column specification:

Datalogger_ID: ID of the datalogger deployed under a given shelter/mesocosm combination.

Season: variable indicating the season on which the experiment was conducted: Aut = Autumn; Spr = Spring.

Variable: column indicating the climatic variable measured: RH = relative humidity (%); Temp = temperature (C°)

Mesocosm_ID:ID of the experimental mesocosm

Shelter: column indicating the type of shelter: S = stone; T = wood log

Timeframe_1 to Timeframe_7: mean values of Temperature and Relative Humidity, calculated on the 2 hours prior to each timeframe T1 to T7
