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Antifungal bacteria on woodland salamander skin exhibit high taxonomic diversity and geographic variability

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modified on 2017-03-17, 00:33
Metadata for each anti-Bd bacteria: (AntiBdBac_meta_final.csv) File contains information for each bacterial isolate identified as anti-Bd. Metadata includes inhibition score, visual observation inhibition score, locality and salamander information, OTU designation, taxonomic assignment, pairwise alignment value to Woodhams et al. (2015) database, and the consensus sequence (also deposited in Genbank).

Anti-Bd bacterial richness with metadata: (Richness_anti-BdBac.csv)  The file includes salamander ID number and all metadata used in the statistical analyses specified in the paper: "To determine if the number of anti-Bd bacteria per salamander was related to host or environmental characteristics, we used a generalized linear mixed-effects model (GLMM) with a binomial distribution in the R package ‘lme4’. We included species and locality as the main explanatory variables, along with additional covariates of host (sex, body condition, cover object) and site (leaf litter depth, soil pH, substrate temperature). As the response variable, we used proportion of anti-Bd bacteria per salamander (i.e., total anti-Bd bacteria divided by total bacteria isolated) to account for variation in the number of isolates cultured per individual."

Sequence alignment of 119 anti-Bd bacterial isolates: (119_RDP_alignment_FINAL.fa) As specified in the paper: "We aligned the bacterial isolate sequences using the Ribosomal Database Project’s ( alignment tools following Dunitz et al. (2015)." The alignment was used to build the phylogenetic tree presented in Figure 1.


NPS George M. Wright Climate Change Fellowship and EPA STAR Fellowship (no. F13B20412) awarded to CRMW