Zhao et al. Ranunculus (15.13 MB)

Zhao et al. Ranunculus

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modified on 2016-04-06, 13:57
Data for the paper Zhao et al., 'RNA-seq of Ranunculus sceleratus and identifying orthologous genes of four Ranunculus species'. Submitted to Frontiers in Plant Sciences.

File 'Unigenes of Ranunculus sceleratus.fa' includes all the unigenes assembled using program Trinity and TGICL.

Folder '1. Phylogenetic analyses' lists the ITS sequences and cpDNA sequences of four Ranunculus species, which was used for phylogenetic analyses.

Folder '2. All the orthologous clusters' lists sequences of the 3455 putative orthologous clusters identified using program OrthoMCL.

Folder '3. Orthologous clusters after filters' lists sequences of the 884 orthologous clusters after filtering the possible paralogous clusters.

Species name abbreviation:
Rbu = Ranunculus bungei
Rch = R. cantoniensis
Rsc = R. sceleratus
Rta = R. brotherusii

If you have any question, please contact Ling-Yun Chen (