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Horizontal subzone characteristics and methane seepage properties of the gas flowing fracture zone above the gob

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modified on 2020-04-11, 00:33

In this paper, based on the development height of a GFFZ above the gob, the GFFZ was horizontally divided into the following: a lateral fracture subzone, an O-ring fracture subzone, and a compacted subzone. The identification criteria for all of these horizontal subzones were given by analyzing the influence of the stress in the coal rock mass on the development of mining-induced fractures. A numerical simulation study was conducted for the influences of the mining height and mining depth on the morphological development of all horizontal subzones of the GFFZ, and the simulation results showed that the mining height was the main factor influencing the development characteristics of horizontal subzones of the GFFZ. Both the maximum distance of the lateral fracture subzone beyond the mining boundary and the width of the O-ring fracture subzone increased with the increase of mining height. A physical simulation experiment was performed for extraction of gob methane through a surface borehole, and the experimental results showed that the gas flow state was laminar within the range of the lateral fracture subzone and the compacted subzone but that the gas flow state was turbulent, not following Darcy's law, within the range of the O-ring fracture subzone


Financial support for this work was provided by Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities [No. 2014QNB39], and Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions [No. SZBF2011-6-B35].