19 files

Figures and source data manuscript: "Physiological and ecological consequences of the water optical properties degradation on reef corals".

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This repository includes datasets and figures used in López-Londoño et al. Title of the manuscript: “Physiological and ecological consequences of the water optical properties degradation on reef corals”.

The file "EstimatedKd" contains primary data of irradiance recorded underwater and onshore in Varadero, which was used to estimate the variability of the diffuse attenuation coefficient for downwelling irradiance (Kd).

The file "PhisyologicalParameters" include the results from the physiological parameters measured on O. faveolata.

The file "EstimatedProductivity" include estimations of the phototropic contribution of algal symbionts to the energy requirements of O. faveolata colonies based on the daily integrated gross photosynthetic production to respiration [P:R] ratio.

The file "ITS2.profiles.relative.abund" include the relative abundances of predominant Symbiodiniaceae ITS2 profiles associated to corals from Varadero and Rosario.

The zip file “SymbiodiniaceaeAnalyisis” include the fastq files with ITS2 sequences for the genotypic identification of Symbiodiniaceae in coral samples.

Fig. 1. Study sites with contrasting exposure to the Dique plume.

Fig. 2. Variation of underwater light climate and water optical properties.

Fig. 3. Effect of Dique plume dynamics on Kd.

Fig. 4. Predominant Symbiodiniaceae ITS2 profiles associated to corals from Varadero and Rosario.

Fig. 5. Productivity and mortality of O. faveolata across depths.

Fig. 6. Predicted effect of the progressive degradation of water optical properties on colonies productivity and partial mortality across depths.

Table 1. Photoacclimation parameters of O. faveolata in Varadero at 3.5 m and Rosario at 12 m.

Fig. S1. Temporal variation of the mean daily Kd in Varadero based on the synchronous oscillation of inshore and underwater irradiance.

Fig. S2. Photosynthesis and respiration of the coral holobiont as a function of irradiance.

Fig. S3. Raw diversity of Symbiodiniaceae ITS2 type profiles in coral samples from Varadero and Rosario.

Fig. S4. Changes in the pigment specific absorption coefficient (a*Chl a) as a function of the chlorophyll a content.

Fig. S5. Variation in chlorophyll a content and the pigment specific absorption coefficient (a*Chl a) as a function of the dominant symbionts.

Fig. S6. Variation in relative abundance and percentage of old mortality of O. faveolata colonies across depths.

Fig. S7. Partial mortality of O. faveolata colonies as a function of the integrated daily P:R ratios in Varadero.


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