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The sex-specific effects of diet quality versus quantity on morphology in Drosophila melanogaster

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modified on 2018-11-27, 22:52
R scripts and Data to conduct the analysis described in "Shingleton, A.W., Masandika, J.R., Thorsen, L.S., Zhu, Y., and Mirth, C.K. (2017). The sex-specific effects of diet quality versus quantity on morphology in Drosophila melanogaster. Royal Society Open Science 4(9), 170375. doi: 10.1098/rsos.170375."

All the R-scripts need to be modified to load data from the user's working directory. The file "functions.R" should be placed within directory 'R' within the working directory.


NSF: IOS-1557638

NSF: IOS-0919855