RELIB-KMR-Bin-Picking-master (1).zip (359.15 MB)

Bin picking code - Semi-autonomous Behaviour Tree-Based Framework For Sorting Electric Vehicle Batteries Waste

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modified on 2020-12-12, 15:15
The process of recycling electric vehicle (EV) batteries currently represents a significant challenge to the waste management automation industry. One example of it is the necessity of removing and sorting dismantled components from EV battery pack. This paper proposes a novel framework to semi-automate the process of grasping and sorting four different objects from an EV battery pack using a mobile manipulator. The work exploits the behaviour trees model for cognitive task execution and monitoring which links different robot capabilities such as navigation, object tracking and motion planning in a modular fashion. The framework was tested in simulation in dynamic environment using two different case studies and it was evaluated based on task-time and the number of objects that the robot successfully place in the respective containers. A total task achievement of ~95\% and ~82\% was reached for the two case studies.


This research was conducted as part of two projects called “Reuse and Recycling of Lithium-Ion Batteries" (RELIB) and "Safe Handling and Management of EV Batteries". This work was supported by the Faraday Institution [grant number FIRG005] and Direct Line Insurance Group [grant number 1000925].