FigureS6_mBiorevis_013018FLAT.pdf (2.68 MB)

Figure S6. PalladinFPAA fails to nucleate actin clouds and comet tails in the absence of the Arp2/3 complex.

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modified on 2018-01-31, 04:57

L .monocytogenes bacteria were incubated in a motility medium (with rhodamine-labelled G-actin in red) reaction containing palladinFPAA in place of the Arp2/3 complex. PalladinFPAA polymerizes F-actin bundles (top) and disorganized F-actin clumps (bottom). L .monocytogenes bacteria (open arrows) do not polymerize F-actin at their surface. Scale bar, 10 µm.