dengue_background_full.csv (147.4 kB)
points_standard_checkedEC.csv (348.53 kB)
poly_standard_checkedEC.csv (234.62 kB)
3 files

Occurrence point data from: "The current and future global distribution and population at risk of dengue"

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modified on 2019-06-10, 18:09
Includes all the dengue data used in the paper "The current and future global distribution and population at risk of dengue, 2019 Nature Microbiology:" which provides further information on its generation and use in mapping the current and future global distribution of dengue.

Three datasets are included:

1. Dengue occurence point dataset: "points_standard_checkedEC.csv" which contains precise point locations where dengue has occurrence in the past

2. Dengue occurrence polygon dataset: "poly_standard_checkedEC.csv" which contains small administrative units in within which dengue has occurred in the past

3. Other disease background points:
"dengue_background_full.csv" which contains point locations where other non-dengue infectious diseases have occurred in the past

The fillets have a number of common field names including:
unique ID
calendar year
Administrative level (1 = first administrative level e.g. state in USA, 2 = second administrative level e.g. county in USA), Longitude (of polygon centroid for polygon data)
Latitude (of polygon centroid for polygon data)
Area (in square km) of the administrative unit the point falls within or the administrative unit that the polygon belongs to