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Insular connectivity and self-appraisal after concussion

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modified on 2024-06-14, 02:43
tab-separated files containing study data:

demographic_conc.txt / demographic_ctl.txt = demographics for concussed and control athletes, respectively. Col(1) = age, col(2) = sex, col(3) = history of concussion

cogsym_conc.txt / cogsym_ctl.txt = cognitive and symptom data for concussed and control athletes, respectively. Col(1) = simple reaction time (ms), col(2) = choice reaction time (ms), col(3) = trail-making test A completion time (s), col(4) = trail-making test B completion time (s), col(5) = cognitive PCA composite score (COG), col(6) = cognitive symptom score (SYM), col(7) = normal scores transformed COG score z(COG), col(8) = normal scores transformed SYM score z(SYM).

network_scores_conc.txt / network_scores_ctl.txt = insular functional network scores for concussed and control athletes, respectively. Col(1) = main effect of concussion, col(2) = effect of appraisal mismatch.

dti_scores_conc.txt / network_scores_ctl.txt = mean diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) parameter scores for concussed and control athletes, respectively. Values are averaged over brain regions significantly associated with insular functional scores, based on analysis of appraisal mismatch.
Col(1) = fractional anisotropy values, col(2) = mean diffusivity values (x10^3).

*NB: entries with "NaN" denote missing values.