Proceedings of Doctoral Consortium of ACM IMX 2024 Conference. Held at Stockholm, Sweden. June 12-14, 2024.
IMX’s Doctoral Consortium (‘the DC’) was held as part of the IMX 2024 conference in Stockholm, Sweden. The Doctoral Consortium was attended by learners enrolled in a PhD program (or other doctoral degrees) or preparing their enrollment in fields that are relevant to the themes of IMX.
PhD students shared their research work and ideas with fellow PhD students and a panel of experienced researchers and designers in the fields associated with IMX. Students got a chance to present their work (research results and current status) and get feedback and suggestions from the panel. They participated in feedback-sharing activities as pairs and supported each other with ideas for research approaches and how to exploit their PhD experience best.
IMX is an inclusive, growing, interdisciplinary community welcoming new approaches, methods, and experiments in immersive media experiences.