
Dataset and input files for "Evaluation of idealized large-eddy simulations performed with the Weather Research and Forecasting model using turbulence measurements from a 250-m meteorological mast"

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modified on 2023-07-10, 08:44
Here you find the observational and simulated data, as well as the input files used for the WRF simulations presented in the manuscript "Evaluation of idealized large-eddy simulations performed with the Weather Research and Forecasting model using turbulence measurements from a 250-m meteorological mast"

The list of files are:
namelist_XXXX: the namelist.input files for the WRF simulations
input_sounding_XXXX: the input sounding files used to initialize the simulations
XXXX_YYYY_table: comma separated values of the mean and standard deviation of a number of variables to reproduce the figures in the manuscript
XXXX: atmospheric stability regime (unstable, neutral, stable)
YYYY: observed or simulated data


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and administered by Danida Fellowship Centre through the `Multi-scale and model-chain Evaluation of Wind Atlases' (MEWA) project


  • Siting;>Design conditions;>Turbulence
  • Siting;>Resource assessment
  • Siting;>Design conditions;>Other


  • Meteorological;>Other


  • Measurements;>Field test
  • Measurements;>Full scale test
  • Modeling

External conditions

  • Location;>Onshore;>Coastal
  • Location;>Onshore;>Inland

Data category

  • Meteorological data