Input files for "Evaluation of the Fitch wind-farm parameterization with large-eddy simulations of wakes using the Weather Research and Forecasting model"
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modified on 2024-02-15, 12:29 Namelists, input, and sounding files necessary to run the idealized simulations in the Weather Research and Forecasting model (version 3.7.1) and analyzed in the manuscript "Evaluation of the Fitch wind-farm wake parameterization with large-eddy simulations of wakes using the Weather Research and Forecasting model".
The files are required as input for atmospheric simulations using the Weather Research and Forecasting model version 3.7.1, which is available at
The manuscript has been accepted by Monthly Weather Review journal.
Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and administered by Danida (MEWA project nr. 17-M01-DTU)
Independent Research Fund Denmark (MAMAS project nr. 0217-00055B)
US Department of Energy’s Wind Energy Technologies Office (contract DE-AC52-07NA27344)
- Siting;>Design conditions;>Turbulence
- Siting;>Design conditions;>Shear
- Wind turbine;>Rotor;>Hub
- Wind turbine;>Rotor;>Pitch
- Wind turbine;>Rotor;>Blades
- Wind turbine;>Rotor;>Other
- Wind turbine;>Concept design;>Horizontal axis
- Wind power plant;>Wind farm;>Wakes
- Wind power plant;>Performance
- Meteorological;>Mesoscale
- Meteorological;>Other
- Flow;>LES
- Flow;>RANS
- Flow;>Physical
- Aeroelastic;>Other
- Modeling
External conditions
- Location;>Offshore;>Offshore
- Location;>Onshore;>Inland
- Terrain type;>Flat
Data category
- Meteorological data
Alfredo PeñaORCID for corresponding depositor
- Meteorology
- Atmospheric dynamics
- Earth system sciences
- Aerodynamics (excl. hypersonic aerodynamics)
- Computational methods in fluid flow, heat and mass transfer (incl. computational fluid dynamics)
- Geophysical and environmental fluid flows
- Turbulent flows
- Energy generation, conversion and storage (excl. chemical and electrical)