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Figure S13. Isolated membrane protrusions do not trigger dynamin2 recruitment.

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modified on 2019-10-28, 21:25

(A) L. monocytogenes membrane protrusions were isolated from infected HeLa cells that were labelled with CellTracker Blue (blue). The isolated protrusions were overlaid onto naïve cells expressing dynamin2-mCherry (“Dyn2-mCherry, red). Alexa 488-phalloidin (green) was used to visualize the F-actin within the protrusions. Solid arrowheads indicate caveolin-1-mCherry encapsulating the entire isolated protrusion. Open arrowheads indicate the bacterium inside the protrusion. Scale bar = 2μm.

(B) Line scan analysis of (A). A single 1.5 µm line (white line) was drawn across the isolated protrusion and F-actin intensity as well as the corresponding dynamin2-mCherry and CellTracker Blue intensity was plotted.