
Ingrid Murphy, Augmenting Ceramics

This collection is shared privately

This is a practice-based investigation into the ways that augmented realities can extend ceramic practice. It looks at how digital forming/fabrication processes and digital augmentation can be used in the creation of interactive ceramic objects. The output is a series of artefacts and accompanying films, which were exhibited at selected international exhibitions focusing on innovative approaches in ceramics and craft practice. A list of the artefacts, films and exhibitions is given in Section 2 Research Overview below. In this portfolio, the research narrative is expressed in the following six items:

MU101: the summary of the research narrative, including its 300-word statement;

MU102: the film She Danced Him Into a Flat Spin from the Cultural Icons exhibition at the British Ceramics Biennial, 2019.

MU103: the film UTAH Mutations from the Seen and Unseen – Language of Clay solo exhibition that toured venues in Wales in 2019;

MU104: the conference paper ‘Beyond Facture. Emerging Technology and Contemporary Art: What is 21st Century Craft?’ College Art Association Annual Conference New York City, 2017.

MU105: the film The Digital Journeyman shown at a number of exhibitions.

MU106 the book extract Dahn, J. 2015 New Directions in Ceramics, from Spectacle to Trace. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 146–51.

The production process involved creating digital physical artefacts and manipulating them in the digital realm before exporting them to become physical assets once again and using these to link to embedded digital content. Two insights emerged: (1) the combination of the physical and the digital allowed the formation of a connection between a static 3D object and the moving image; and, as a result, enabled (2) links to further narrative and documentary content that add to the experience of the works.

The portfolio includes the appendices: Flat Spin exhibition poster (MUA101), event brochures (MUA102, MUA103), and a Word file that gathers reviews of the exhibitions (MUA104).


Arts Council of Wales


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