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Data for figures in the paper "Neurovascular coupling and oxygenation are decreased in hippocampus compared to neocortex because of microvascular differences"

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modified on 2023-05-03, 11:48
Data for paper published in Nature Communications 2021

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All uploaded data files are labelled with the corresponding figure numbers. Data traces (in raw continuous form and in cut up form for plots) have been provided for all unique datasets. Note supplementary figures 2-4 & supplementary figures 6-7 use existing data (from figures 2 for linescan and 3 for xy vessel/local neuronal calcium recordings).


The hippocampus is essential for spatial and episodic memory but is damaged early in Alzheimer’s disease and is very sensitive to hypoxia. Understanding how it regulates its oxygen supply is therefore key for designing interventions to preserve its function. However, studies of neurovascular function in the hippocampus in vivo have been limited by its relative inaccessibility. Here we compared hippocampal and visual cortical neurovascular function in awake mice, using two photon imaging of individual neurons and vessels and measures of regional blood flow and haemoglobin oxygenation. We show that blood flow, blood oxygenation and neurovascular coupling were decreased in the hippocampus compared to neocortex, because of differences in both the vascular network and pericyte and endothelial cell function. Modelling oxygen diffusion indicates that these features of the hippocampal vasculature could explain its sensitivity to damage during neurological conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease, where the brain’s energy supply is decreased.


MRC Discovery Award