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Lost Songs

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modified on 2021-02-24, 13:18
Lost Songs, November 2017

Dr Croft's research aim was to create a new work for soprano and live electronics, based on Ancient Greek fragments, generating the entire electronics part in real time, without the use of soundfiles created in advance.

Two broad types of treatment were designed in the Max live electronics environment – live processing of the voice, and real-time generation of sounds by physical modelling (using IRCAM’s Modalys environment). These were tested as the soprano line was composed in such a way as to activate the electronics at certain points.

The research findings showed that it is possible to produce a rich and elaborate electronic texture by means of live processing and real-time physical modelling, for performance by soprano with minimal intervention from a computer operator during the performance. In particular, it is possible with recent computer processors continuously to alter the parameters of modelled sounding bodies in real-time response to features extracted from the singer’s performance.

The software patches (provided in the zip-file above) which were initially programmed by Dr Croft in the Max live electronics environment were given to live electronics realiser Oudom Southhammavong of Art Zoyd Studio in Valenciennes, who worked on improving their efficiency and reliability in performance. These performance patches were then tested and refined during a residence at the studio with soprano Juliet Fraser.

The software requires software MAX to be installed on the computer in order to look at them.