VIDEO 4 Polusani etal sparse motility HeLa par 26 and (54.51 MB)

Video 4 - Polusani etal

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modified on 2015-12-14, 23:35

1.      VIDEO 4 Sparse cultures of HeLa parental (top left), HeLa26 (top right) and HeLa26 R75Y (a mutant that forms hemichannels but not gap junctions – bottom) were monitored over 15 hours by time lapse video. HeLa26 showed dramatically higher motility and activity in filopodial extensions than the other HeLa cells. Since the only property that distinguishes Cx26 and Cx26R75Y is the ability to form intercellular channels, this demonstrated that despite the sparse cultures, intercellular exchange of metabolites is required for the enhanced motility. Quantitation of rates on cell movement are shown in Fig 4.