Territorial behavior as a route of social microbial transmission in an asocial mammal
Supplemental data, code, analyses, and material for "Territorial behavior as a route of social microbial transmission in an asocial mammal".
R Scripts: gmb_terr.R (main analyses), rs_picrust2.R (picrust pipeline), brms_global.R and brms_model2.R (brms models); gmb_terr_dyads.R (construction of dyadic data frame for brms modeling); rs_gmb_social.R (social network construction code)
PICRUSt2: picrust2_rs-seq.sh. This is the bash script used to run the PICRUSt2 pipeline for generation of predicted functional pathway information from 16S amplicon sequencing data.
QIIME2/DADA2: rs-seq-dada2.sh. This is the bash script used to run QIIME2/DADA2 pipeline to process sequences.
QIIME2: rs-demux.sh. This is the bash script used to demultiplex the sequencing data.
Data tables
weighted_nsti.csv: Table of weighted NSTI values per sample from PICRUSt2