13 files

Data and code files

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modified on 2023-04-11, 00:39

These are the data files and code files necessary to reproduce the findings in our publication on how maternal psychosocial stress can modulates the developing infant's gut microbiome during the first year of life. 

Raw sequences are available at BioProject ID:  PRJNA903474.

Congo_InfantGut_QC - processing of the raw sequences to the point of getting taxonomy and creation of the phyloseq object with the samples and taxonomy combined, psCongo_V4.rds.

Congo_InfantGut -  Data on infant microbiome and maternal stress measures, covariates, and infant microbiome measures 

Congo_InfantGut_ANCOMBC -  Analysis of Compositions of Microbiomes with Bias Correction (ANCOM-BC) for microbial absolute abundance data in infant gut microbiome 

Congo_InfantGut_SplinectomeR -  SplinectomeR analyses of infant gut microbiome compared between infants of mothers with high and low composite stress scores 

Congo_Metadata_V4.csv - metadata for the samples. Also included as part of the phyloseq object, psCongo_V4.rds. 

final_maternal_stress_scores_20220131.csv - maternal stress scores.

ZymoStandardsGenus.csv - relative abundance of the taxa in the microbial mock community to the genus level. 

ZymoStandardsSpecies.csv - relative abundance of the taxa in the microbial mock community to the species level.



OR-DRPD-ROF2019, Opportunity Seed Grant, University of Florida Research Foundation