
SkyTruth - Surface Mining in Central Appalachia - Site Recovery Data

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modified on 2022-11-28, 16:37

This data is published in Restoration Ecology, in the article   

Mines to Forests? Analyzing long-term recovery trends for surface coal mines in Central Appalachia.

These data contain detail the recovery of post-mining landscapes in Central Appalachia. The data is provided in various formats:

  • processedData_lastMinedBefore_2015_gte10px_gompertzData.csv - this contains analyzed data for NBR, NDMI, and NDVI, the annual band date per site is not available in this file, see other data files provided.
  • processedData_analysisBands_PES_lastMinedBefore_2015_gte10px_gompertzData.csv/.geojson - This is the analysis ready dataset, and it contains the annual data only for those indices used in our analysis (NBR, NDMI, NDVI). 
  • processedData_allBands_PES_lastMinedBefore_2015_gte10px_gompertzData.csv/.geojson - This is the full dataset, it contains all band and index data, including those not used over the course of our analysis. 

For all data, only sites last mined before 2015, and greater than or equal to 10 pixels in size are included.


The Cornell Douglas Foundation, The Tilia Fund, The National Geographic Society