Assisted translocation of tree populations preserves the European forest carbon sink in climate change
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modified on 2022-12-06, 11:15 The dataset contains a compilation of provenance trials for seven European forest tree species, Abies alba, Fagus sylvatica, Pinus sylvestris, Picea abies, Larix deciduas, Quercus robur, and Quercus petraea. The compilation consists of data contributed by several partners and Institutions with the INTERREG CE-funded project SUSTREE ( The recorded values for each species-specific trial are provenance means for DBH (diameter at breast height), height and survival, etc. In addition, information about the location (coordinates and altitude) of trial sites and provenance origin were collected. The database also contains information about the age and establishment (plant distance, year of establishment) of trial sites and soil types if available. The dataset was used to estimate annual carbon sink (CS) and calibrate Universal Response Functions (URF) to predict best-suited seed provenances based on their CS potential